We are so excited to be running our Summer League for another season. This webpage is where you will find information for spectators, play schedule, etc. Check back frequently for updates.
SUMMER LEAGUE INFO--PJVBC provides volleyballs and carts
--No outdoor seating --Court shoes ONLY on the sport court --Water ONLY on the sport court --$5 admission for all spectators 10 and older --Food is allowed inside, on the blacktop --Please make sure to keep you personal items away, PJVBC is not responsible for loss of property. --PLEASE RESPECT OUR STAFF. Our referees are responsible for their courts. Spectators are not to talk with them or yell at any members of the reffing group. |
SUMMER LEAGUE RULES--Games are best 2/3 sets to 25 (15)
--If games run long, they will be stopped at the hour mark. --Each team will have 2 minutes of solo court time to warm up*. --Scores are reported by the ref on each court (R1 provided). --Ceiling is playable only on your side, if you have touches left. --Players are allowed 1 drop on serve per turn. --Know your play schedule and be at your court for your play time. *UPDATE |